
In twelfth grade (gosh, we’re already up to the twelfth grade! And that is a hard word to spell if you think about it!), my class was taken to Israel (I say, but we had to raise the money for the trip through bake sales and day care events and Chinese auctions. Yikes). I wrote this as my class was walking away from the Wailing Wall for the first time. It was also the first time my cousin and classmate got to see my “writing” in action. As much as you can call it writing and not just singing whatever came to my head.

 . . . if you want a transliteration, I guess just use Google Translate?


I want to go back

I want to go back

I want to go back to the כתל המערבי

I want to stay here

I want to stay here

And greet משיח בן דוד


I want to live here

In the holiest of places

The epitome of קדושה

I want to be here

And I want to watch

The building of the third בית המקדש


‘בעזרת ה

‘בעזרת ה

We’ll all come back and live in ירושלים הבנויה


And we’ll all stand

‘בעזרת ה

And we’ll all sing together הללויה


I want to be

With all my brothers and sisters

I want to be free of this cage of גלויות

I want to be

An עם אחד in our home

Eternally בשורות טובות


I want to live

Together in ירושלים

Near our holy wall, our כתל

I want to live

Forever in ירושלים

Home of כלל ישראל


‘בעזרת ה

‘בעזרת ה

We’ll all come back and live in ירושלים הבנויה


And we’ll all stand

‘בעזרת ה

And we’ll all sing together הללויה


I want to be

An honest ‘עבד ה

Servant of הקדוש ברוך הוא

זוכה לימות המשיח

And so ‘ה I turn to you


‘בעזרת ה

‘בעזרת ה

Everything we pray for is on your hands


We’ll take our stand

‘בעזרת ה

We’ll all return to our promised land


‘בעזרת ה

‘בעזרת ה

We’ll all come back and live in ירושלים הבנויה


And we’ll all stand

‘בעזרת ה

And we’ll all sing together הללויה

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