Insane (4 AM)

Can I pull the covers up over my head

Can I admit that I’ve lost another friend

Can I bear that I am alone again

If I cry, can you cry louder


Can I miss him though it’s only been a week

But it feels so much like he’s forgotten me

Can I hurt so much that it’s damn hard to sleep

If I cry, can you cry louder, please


Don’t leave me, I am so afraid

I am losing everything and I’m in so much pain

I told you to go away and you came back at just the right time, my rain

It’s just the right time to watch me go insane


I keep lying but it feels in vain

I keep forgetting I have no one to blame

I keep rejecting you and like everyone else you push until I cave, my rain

It’s 3:40 and I’m about to go insane


Can I lock myself in a bathroom in the dark

It’s comfortable here for my heart

The world’s shut out and all of those jerks are

Gone. Can’t you pour louder


The ring finally came in the post today

It hurts to see but I can’t look away

Are butterflies able to fly in the rain

Can’t you pour louder. I want to feel safe


Don’t leave me, I am so afraid

I am losing everything and I’m in so much pain

I told you to go away and you came back at just the right time, my rain

It’s just the right time to watch me go insane


I keep lying but it feels in vain

I keep forgetting I have no one to blame

I keep rejecting you and like everyone else you push until I cave, my rain

It’s 3:50 and I’m going insane


Is it pouring harder now

Can I please, please shut down

I have a headache from trying to figure my feelings out

Can’t I just go insane

You’re not loud enough!


Just leave already, I’m so afraid

That I’ll wake up without you, too, rain

You are all the same

It’s driving me insane


What’s the next step that I should take

Am I supposed to move or supposed to wait

Now you, too, rain, are fading away

It’s 4 A.M and I’m only half awake


You’re weak, too, rain, don’t you know

The sun will come and you’ll have to go

By myself I’ll have another day to face

By then I’ll have . . .

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