
I don’t appreciate my freedom like I should

I can’t tell if I’m the user or the used

Freedom hasn’t done me any good

Unless I messed up because I don’t know the rules


I used to wish I could turn back time

Now I only feel confused

None of what I did was ever right

And I still have so much more left to lose


I told myself to never do things that I would regret

But I regret everything I’ve ever done

I keep the water pouring because all I know is rain

It seems that I’ve forgotten what the sun

Looks like


I feel like a child when I’m lost inside my head

Every decision that I’ve ever made

I was wrong and it’s a wonder that I feel this pain

Every time I learn I made a mistake

Why am I surprised


I wish that I knew how to push away

All the clouds I have inside my mind

It’s hard to think clearly every day

I stumble one choice at a time


I keep trying to move forward

Though I can’t say if forward is right

I fell off my sanity so long ago

Because I live for more than “I”


I told myself to never do things that I would regret

But I regret everything I’ve ever done

I keep the water pouring because all I know is rain

It seems that I’ve forgotten what the sun

Looks like


I feel like a child when I’m lost inside my head

Every decision that I’ve ever made

I was wrong and it’s a wonder that I feel this pain

Every time I learn I made a mistake

Why am I surprised

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