Sound of My Voice

Ask any singer, they’ll tell you
This is not a choice
Music’s a passion that they
Cannot live without
The fire is burning through them
The need is in their veins
The love is killing them
It’s a dream they can’t escape

There is no doubt in my mind
Your life is all about your voice
Keep pushing forward because you
Cannot find a way around
The song is hurting you and
It never goes away
Do you feel like you would die without it
I know your ache

I, too, feel this pain
My sanity is also hurting, my tears are the same

But I’m not lucky like you
I’m not blessed to feel your joy
I don’t have the gift that you do
I can’t stand the sound of my voice

I don’t have what it takes to keep pushing onward
As much as music is my void
My singing cannot bring you comfort
If I don’t like the sound of my voice

You keep trying and eventually
Someone will notice your worth
They’ll ask you how you got here
And you’ll finally let it out
The journey up from your bedroom
Was not an easy climb
No one thinks you got what you
Have overnight

You thought you had it hard you
Forgot about the ones who have it worse
You aren’t stuck in your bedroom
Writing music no one will ever hear about
You think you know what the struggle is
You think you’re the only one that wants this

I, too, feel this pain
My confidence is also hurting, my tears are the same
If not more
‘Cause I am ignored

I’m not lucky like you
I’m not blessed to feel your joy
I don’t have the gift that you do
I can’t stand the sound of my voice

I don’t have what it takes to prove how much this means to me
How deep I feel the void
But I can never say anything
Because I don’t like the sound of my voice

I, too, feel this pain
My world is just as incomplete, my fears are the same
But I can’t sing
My voice has never been enough for me

I’m not lucky like you
I’m not blessed to feel your joy
And revel in the sound of my voice

I don’t have the strength, I wasn’t born with talent
I just want you to know how much you take for granted
Ask any singer, they’ll tell you this is
Not a choice

I’m stuck in my bedroom, dreaming
I wish I could say I was singing
But I don’t like the sound of my voice

Just because you’re dead with passion
Doesn’t mean you’re born with talent
And I just want you to know what you
Take for granted

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