
I should say something

Because man this doesn’t feel right

You’re my home You’re my family

But y’all don’t even know me

You won’t ever know me

I keep running and hiding away

All the little things I say

To all of you

But not all to you

I can never say

It all to you, huh

I break it in pieces

And divide it up between you

You know that I’m in pain

But you can’t know what I go through

We’re talking every day

And I’ll never say an untruth

But you only know what I say

How are there still a million things

That I’ll never get to tell you


Why am I hiding like this

It’s like I have a different person for every secret

Nobody knows the whole story

I’m just giving bits and pieces

Is that why you adore me

You wouldn’t leave me,

No matter how much shit I dump on you

But why am I splitting it all up

Like I’m afraid I’m gonna lose you


I’m going insane, man

My heart is so full

Just when I thought I hit the limit

I find myself spilling

My heart to yet another victim

I’m so sorry y’all

I can never just shut up, huh

I’m dragging everyone through this

I don’t even think I’m done


Do you know what community means

Nah, that’s a bad question

Way too open ended

Do you have any idea what community means to me

It’s the place where I feel like I belong

Where I’m accepted

For me

Where I’m loved

For me

Can you believe it

They actually care about me

I’ve never felt like this before

I’m so hurt to find myself saying I’ve never felt loved like this before

For me

This is my family

This is my home

Y’all mean everything to me

I hope I’m expressing that at least

I have nothing but love for this community

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