
a rap attempt for the sake of it

I got tired of writing melodies

it’s just words on a paper

turn it all the way up

anyways it’s the same old thing

Hold the phone

I can never turn it off

It doesn’t matter if it’s two in the morning

The brain doesn’t sleep until o’ four, thirty

Leave my thoughts alone

If I let them run they’ll take over me

I can’t afford to care what tomorrow’ll be

It’s just words on a paper

The cost is insane though

Hold my pen

Take it all away from me

Give me back my everything

Be the support I need

My ears weren’t created for your release

It’s none of my concern if you feel relieved

You keep driving up my anxiety

I asked if it makes you happy

Answer me


You gotta learn to step back

The world isn’t gonna end if I’m a mess

You gotta learn to relax

You don’t need to walk me through each step

You think you’re holding my hand

But you’re pulling me down into panic with you

You gotta relax. It’s all good.


I didn’t know where this was going when I pulled out my phone

I guess it’s the same story with all my songs

In a minute I’ll forget all the things I wrote

There’s a reason people like me don’t get to perform

Can I work harder at it

Sure, I keep telling myself I would

I’m not entirely convinced

I’m a bundle of intentions I don’t know how to use

A cluster of ends that are running loose

I’m sitting here a still life when I need to move

I wish someone could rid

All the excess from my spoon

I don’t need all this

I wish I could just do what I want to do

You make me so stressed about everything

My ears weren’t created for your release

It drives me crazy, you never let me breathe

You’re so intense, you never let me be

You keep on inflating my anxiety

I asked if it makes you happy

Answer me


You gotta learn to step back

The world isn’t gonna end if I’m a mess

You gotta learn to relax

You don’t need to walk me through each step

You think you’re holding my hand

But you’re pulling me down into panic with you

You gotta relax. It’s all good.


I’m all tied up in my history

It’s all tidal waves under my feet

I gotta let go

I gotta let go

I don’t need you reminding me

How many times I needed a restart

How many tries till I found the best part

It’s all tidal waves under the stars

It’s not that hard

Erase the scars

Should I be perfect just because you are

Stop holding me

(Let go of me)

How do I turn into what you want

Should I be perfect just because you are

What would make you happy

Answer me


You gotta learn to step back

The world isn’t gonna end if I’m a mess

You gotta learn to relax

You don’t need to walk me through each step

You think you’re holding my hand

But you’re pulling me down into panic with you

You gotta relax. It’s all good.

You don’t need to stress (it’s all good)

Let it all go (it’s all good)

Like I’m telling myself (it’s all good)

C’mon, say it with me. It’s all good. Relax.

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