Pink Tax

I’m so close to writing a diss track
I’m this close to calling it Pink Tax
I’m so annoyed by everyone pointing at magazine ads
Telling me to look like that
Telling me to pick up razors
I think everyone my forgot my past
I have to cover every inch of my body
Except my face and my hands
And I still choose to wear black
I’m not sad
I just-
do my legs really look that bad?
Isn’t it bad enough you had to make the feel the way I did because you kept calling me fat
I know I’m beautiful
But it’s so hard to remember that
I actually have to text my friends and celebrate
If I feel good,
Even I think that’s sad
How could you raise me and love me and hurt me
And forget to praise me, all of me,
Aren’t I worth it
It makes no sense to me
How is it helping me
If the self I see
In my head is ugly
Is that what you wanted
To be like the ads?
Whose only job is to make me hate the body I have
Make my self-esteem tank so I’d depend
On creams and shit
And teens and kids
Fall for this too
Is just like you
Telling me that I need to be smooth
And I’m a man if I refuse
‘Cause we all know that girls can’t choose
My whole purpose is to be a muse, right
If I look up at the moonlight
If I choose to stare at the blue sky
Then I need to pose and look good, damn
I do not want to understand
Why I should pose and look good, just damn
All the male gazes and every man

Okay, alright. I wanna look good.
I will admit it, I want to look good
I wanna look in the mirror and smile
Not feel creeped out when I look up from writing
and catch my reflection
Cause I can’t imagine
How that face would ever be loved
I am so average
And that’s not enough
‘Cause you were always ambitious
And I’m your genetics
So I look at this face
And hate all the inches
But I’ve been told I’m pretty
By multiple people
Usually with makeup
Sometimes uncalled for
With a gleam in their eyes
That’s not always bad
I mean I feel safe if it’s a girl who said
With a glow on her face
That I look pretty
But I’ve also heard that I’m not that ugly
And I still have scars from that story
I have an ex who told me
Not to hate the way I look
Because my child would look at me
And think that mom was beautiful
But what’s funny is
I never said to him
About not feeling
Like a million freaking bucks until that day
My feelings really sucked that day
I wish I could punch the memory away
But I can’t and you’re not helping
Calling me a man is just plain pesky
And if you’re gonna hate the gays
Then at least get your opinions straight

You have a problem with L.G.B.T.
You have a problem with misgendering
You have a problem with people having problems with their bodies
If the way a person is born
Is the way they should conform
And it’s of such damn import
That you just had to vote for
Oppressors who hate you
And would love to eradicate you
With all the people who aren’t straight, cis
With people who are harmless
Who you refuse to share your space with
If it’s so strange
To want to change
From the way
Your body intended
Why’s it weird
To leave my hair
The way that my body intended
I don’t fucking get it
Who’s it for
If I am fine with my body like this
Why would I change it for all the d*cks
Who are grossed out
By grown women
Is that it
If I look like a kid
I don’t want untreated pedos looking at me
Like I’m sexy
After shaving
Part of what of makes me
A grown woman
If a man can’t handle this
I’m disgusted
I can’t trust him
I don’t wanna look like a kid
Leave me alone
Leave my body alone
Like you said
Like the way I was born
Just grown
And by the way calling me a man is misgendering
Fuck it, I’m so pissed!

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